Five Minutes With Jaylene Berrien

Five Minutes With Jaylene Berrien

Photos Kendra M Lee

Where does your biggest source of inspiration come from?

The beautiful people in my life.  I am truly surrounded by pure love, and the support of these loving energies is my source of inspiration.

How do you stay mindful?

Gratitude is how I am able to be mindful in each moment.  It’s a practice, and I am here to learn how to stay in this space.  Life is so beautiful, and I want to be present for all of it.  

How do you recharge?

Reconnecting with nature is one way I recharge, staying at the house with my cat Simba, talking to people who bring me peace, going to Lush (haha).

What is the driving force that keeps you going when the going gets tough?

My family.  Everything I have is because of their sacrifices. They completely raised me with pure love, and that’s all I have for them in return.

What’s one thing you did as a child that you wish you could still do now?

Have recess in the middle of the day.

What’s your take on the word “beauty”?

There is beauty is in everything.


One piece of advice that you find yourself giving the most?

Trust your instincts.  

One day it hit me: who am I to give someone my own advice?  My advice would be based on my personal experiences and my filtered knowledge of the situation.

Instead, I want people to trust their instincts. Lean toward what feels best in their heart.  Relying on my instincts led me where I am today, and I want everyone to begin trusting their inner guide for their peace.  

In today’s world where the “fear of missing out” is made all the more pervasive through social media, how do you maintain balance?

I keep my balance by trusting my instincts, and by realizing how I am always meant to be exactly where I am at all times.

Yeah, I may be missing out on a fantastic party, but how is my health?  Would a self care night add more to my energy tank? Do I genuinely need quality rest?  Maybe these alternatives align better with my vibe, and I believe I’ll always be guided towards what I is best for me.

We are challenging all of our customers and supporters to go green. What is one green tip you follow?

Ahhhh I love this intention! ♻️  

Here are a few of my green tips:

  • Skip the plastic straw
  • Invest in recyclable grocery bags
  • Choose produce that’s not packaged in plastic
  • Always recycle glass
  • Carry your own silverware
  • And lastly, send yourself love. Just like anything else, going green is a process. I believe in you!
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You are sooooo BEAUTIFUL


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